Thursday 1 May 2014

Egypt - increase in trade mark and design fees

News from good friends Abdelhadi - Intellectual Property in Egypt of an increase in official fees for trade mark and design matters. The report does not appear on their website. The translation (for which this part of the Empty Quarter is very grateful) of the decree issued by the Minister of Trade and Supply provided by Abdelhadi reads:

Circular No. (1) of 2014 dated 19/3/2014
After perusal of:
Decree of Minister of Supply and Internal Trade No. 95 of 2014 dated 13/3/2014 regarding
collection of fees against some services provided by the Central Administration of Trade
Marks and Industrial Designs within the framework of cost against services rendered
For the good of work and requisites:
The Central Administration of Trade Marks and Industrial Designs should collect the
following fees against the services provided by the Administration as follows:
Egyptian Pounds 250 ( Two Hundred & Fifty) for each session of Trade Mark opposition.
Egyptian Pounds 250 (Two Hundred & Fifty) for each session of Industrial Design session.
Egyptian Pounds 200 (Two Hundred) for an extract of a Trade Mark application.
Egyptian Pounds 200 (Two Hundred) for an extract of an Industrial Design application.
Egyptian Pounds 200 (Two Hundred) for a Trade Mark search application.
Egyptian Pounds 200 (Two Hundred) for an Industrial Design search application.
Egyptian Pounds 200 (Two Hundred) for an Extract of a Trade Mark status report.
Egyptian Pounds 200 (Two Hundred) for an Industrial Design status report.
To be executed as of 1/4/2014
Issued 19 March 2014.
Deputy Chief
Trade Administration

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